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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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Late after noon it was, when tired the pair
Returning to their starting point, once more
Beside the mighty geyser stood
That flings a panting column high in air—
‘Ohápu’—‘Fountain of the dreadful Roar.’
Their fancy sated with the sight of fear,
They sate upon the hill above
That cauldron, in the shade of rocky wood
By bursting spring and boiling flood
Distorted;—sate in lounging mood
In careless converse, to themselves how dear!
(Is any talk too trifling for true love?)
Where still the Geyser's raging they could hear.
—“This loitering through the land on foot,
Now slow, now faster, as may suit
One's humour best, I do enjoy
So thoroughly—did always from a boy!”—
Said Ranolf, as himself he threw
Upon the stunted fern—“Do you?”
“On foot!” said Amo, “how else could you go?
Though in your land, I've heard, indeed,
That travellers sometimes go at greater speed
In strangest style—I ne'er believed it, though.”


“What did you hear, my Amo?”
“It was he
E Ruka, who had sailed beyond the sea;
But he so many monstrous stories told
With face so true, by young and old
Kai-títo-nui’ he was named,
‘The big lie-swallower;’ ‘pumpkin-headed’ too,
To take whate'er he heard for true—
They called him. I should be ashamed
His silly solemn stories to repeat.”
“But let me hear about the travelling, sweet!”
“Well, promise not to laugh—at least, not laugh
Too much at me. I did not credit half
The story, mind. He said, your people use
To travel in, great land-canoes,
Dragged by enormous dogs as tall
As men, or taller; nay, more strange—
A thing that had to do with travel,
Though how, I could not quite unravel—
That beasts about your country range
To which the mighty Moas were small
Our songs make mention of; that these
Gigantic monsters, each and all
Have double heads and shoulders double,
Six legs or so; and therefore go
Swift as the wind; then without trouble
Can split in two whene'er they please,


And both the fragments when they sever,
Can run about as well as ever!—
Nay, now, but I will hold your lips—
You are not to laugh so—understand;
I will not take away my hand,
Kiss as you may my finger-tips.”
The fact explained to her well nigh
As wondrous as the fiction seemed:
What! get astride those beasts and fly!
'Twas like what Maui did or schemed,
Who fished the Isles up—almost hitched
The Sun into his noose, and then
Had freed the happy sons of men
From Night—Death—every denizen
Of Darkness—all the evil crew
Of powers bewitching or bewitched.