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[Doo not Disdayne O streighte upraysed Pyne?]

Doo not Disdayne O streighte upraysed Pyne?
That, wounding thee, my Thoughtes in thee I grave,
Synce that my thoughtes as Streighte as streightnes thyne,
No smaller wounde, (Alas) furr deeper have?
Deeper engraved whiche salve nor Tyme can save,
Given to my harte by my fore wounded eyen
Thus Cruell to my self, how Canst thow Crave;
My Inwarde Hurt shoulde spare thy owteward Rhyne?
Yet still fayre Tree lyfte up thy stately Lyne?
Live longe, and longe witness my Chosen smarte?
With barrd Desyers, barrd by my self imparte
And in this growyng Barcke, growe verses myne.
My Harte my worde my worde hathe given my harte?
The Giver given from Gifte shall never parte.