University of Virginia Library



[To Thee, O Lord, our God and King]

To Thee, O Lord, our God and King,
Whose mercies ne'er decay,
We thus in artless numbers sing,
And thus our praise we pay.
Whate'er is human ebbs and flows,
As wasting time prevails;
But grace Divine no changes knows,
Charity never fails.
From thence flow plenteous streams and clea
And may they never cease:
'Tis you who plant and water here,
'Tis God that gives the' increase.
May He your pious alms regard,
Your warmth of zeal approve;
With ample blessings still reward
The labour of your love.
May all the pleasing pains you share
Be crown'd with wish'd success;
The present age applaud your care,
And future ages bless!