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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Ysaie lxxxijo: Spiritus domini super quod vincerit me.

The thrid maner Apperit he
whill þe Apostils wer syttyng,
in tokenyng At þat fraternite
shuld be iustis & hegh kyng,


ffor quen-so-euer A Iustice oght shall deme
he syttes al-way as men movn se,
þerfor to sette h[yt] wold by-seme
in takyng þat Autorite.
ffor faur Autorites þat day
he graunted hom quen he send his gost,
the fyrst to forgyf synne Away
to all þurgh God of myghtes most:

Iohannes vijo: Accipite spiritum sanctum, quorum remiseritis peccata, dimittuntur eis, &c.