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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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III. The Kings Good-night.

Welcome, welcome, King of guests
With thy Princely traine,
With joyfull Triumphs and with Feasts
Be welcom'd home againe.
Frolicke mirth,
The soule of earth,
Shall watch for thy delight:


Knees shall bend
From friend to friend
While full cups doe thee right:
And so, great King, good-night.
Welcome, welcome as the Sunne
When the night is past:
With us the day is now begunne,
May it for ever last.
Such a morne
Did nere adorne
The Roses of the East,
As the North
Hath now brought forth:
The Northerne morne is best.
And so, best King, good rest.