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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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48 Of Cosmus, that will keepe a good house hereafter.

Old Cosmus to his friends thus out doth giue,
After awhile, he like a Lord will liue.
After awhile, hele end all troublous suites,
After awhile, retaine some men of qualitie,
After awhile, of riches reape the fruits,
After awhile, keepe house in some formality,
After awhile, finish his beautious building,
After awhile, leaue off his busie buying:
Yet all the while he liues but like a hilding,
His head growes gray with fresh vexations toyling.
Well, Cosmus, I beleeue your heire doth smile,
To thinke what you will doe after awhile:
For sure, the Prouerbe is more true then ciuill,
Blest is the sonne whose Sire goes to the Diuell.