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But Cruelties that thick, and three fold fly
In Bloody Colours, and in flames that try
What mettall Heaven's made of, in deep groane
Make Patience Sweate and very full of tones
We now shall shew here in our Looking Glass
The face of Some of these as on we pass.


This Horrid Cruelty the Praci--- usd
Upon one Brunus Bishop, they misusd.
They Chop his feet off and his hands oh! Dread!
And after this they Sever off his head.
The Son of Bernard Duke of Saxon, goes
With arms in Freesland, there he mischiefe does
And all the Ministers belonging to
The Church of Brems their eyes by him out goe.
Herman the Bish: of Hamborough in arms
Goes out in fury, and mischievous harms
Did Cruely affect his own flock with.
Whose blood did Stain him in his inmost pith.
When Rixa Queen of Poland did withdraw
With her Son Cassimir all things like Straw,
Grew to a flame. Now wicked robbery
And fire and Sword did rage most barbarously.
And to Complet the Woe, the Russians Spoile
The Northern Costs. And the Bohemies Soyle
The West and South with Cruell Blood and Fire
And many by this Cruelty expire.
Swene King of Danes wining the English Crown
In Cruelty designd to pluck all down:
And utterly destroy all English blood
And Christ's blesst Intrest there: but God withstood.
Gerard, and Beztert Baldus and Ben'tha
Hungarian Bishops went home to Convay
Their Kings from Excile at the Danow were
Stond by the Pagan nobles that were there.
Ben'tha excepted. Gerard set on high
Upon a rock, hence headlong Cast, but by
The beating of his heart live did appeare,
Wherefore they run him thorough with a Speare.
An[d] many other yea a multitude
Thus Cruelly were usd by pagans rude.
When Henry the forth to Triers gave
Conrad the Colen Bishop, Bishop grave
The Triers vext prompt Earle Theodorick
And he Surprizd the Bishop in the nick
As going to his Church and left him to
Be butcherd by the Souldiers who him throw
Thrice headlong from a rock and his chiefe harm
Thereby was Chiefly th'breaking of his arm
They mad thereat do run him through, he's slain,
And them of Colen do requite the Same.


Their Bishop who the oath of Loyalty
Unto the Emperour refusd they fly
Upon, and out him from, of his honour thrust.
And as he was at Supper on him rusht
And Stones, and Weapon, at him cast, and slew
Some of his Waiters: way then others flew[.]
The Bishop to Saint Peters Church flies: while
They Search his Palace. And his Wealth do Spoile
And his Wine Cellars into Wine Fats turn
His Hogs heads there Sheading their Spirits mourn,
His Sacred Vessells, Sacred Vestures and
Rich things they make their plunder by Strong hand
And he himselfe was feathers forc'd to Change
And in a Common Coate away to range
By darksom night to save his Life, or they
Had Certainly his glory made away.
When that the Sclaves did Godeschalke exile
The Stoute Priest Eppo with him went, whom while
He was at Lentzin, cruelly they go
And offer him up on their Altar do.
And many lay and Clergy persons more
They Cruelly did kill. And out did roare
Some Ston'd to death. And John first Bishop at
Faire Mechelburgh their Wicked hand on clap
And beate with Clubs and for a gazing Stock
Him carry through Some towns, they S[c]orn they mock.
Then Sever off his head, his hands, and Feet
And cast his Stumpy Carkass in the Street
And on a Speare his head they offer to
Their Radigast or God, at Reth. Oh! woe.
And Godeschalks religious Wife they take
And other pious Women Stript Starke nake
And Scourg with thongs and naked her dismiss
What pagan Cruelty and baseness 's this?
Now Hildebrand that hellish firebrands threw
Abroad in all the Christian world that grew
Mischievously most Cruell ery where
It would be endless up to Summ here
His Cruelty Pope Alexanders eares
Are Witness. Oh gentle Fists. The Peares
Of Germany that Henry did depose
Evn at his bidding, and all German Woes
And blood and fire that followd. Quintus too
Whom in a Cask Spict with long lains hee threw
Do witness beare unto his Clemency
Which those that felt, did take it grievously[.]


He in his Priestly Robes in Pulpet round,
Bishops, and Cardinalls then there did Sound
This Cruell Omen, in Saint Peters Church
Against the Emperour, that did him learch[.]
King He'ry, by Saints Peters day next shall
Undoubtedly be dead; or 'else shall fall
Out of his Throne, which if this prophesy
Proove false he would no longer verily
Be held to be the Pope. And now he tries
By Cut throat Roagues to kill the King; but Spies
At length his Witchery, nor Wicked Will
Could Save his Credit[.] Henry is Still
When Peters day is passt in's throne, then Hee
Will have his Speech of Spiritall death to bee.
Sigfride the Mentz Archbishop, Gunther who


Was Bamburghs Bishop, Regenspurge's Otto

With William, Triers Bishop: other Peares
Of France with others of all ranks their eares
Pricke up indeed of Superstitious Sise.
Full Seven thousand persons Wise, unwise
Must needs go pray in Canaan's holy land
And a vast deale of Wealth do with them hand.
Which made Arabian mouths to water for't
And on them now they leape: and don't abhor't.
And many Slay at Romulum, they fly
Into Carvasalim, and fortify
Against the Arabs who persue the flight
And by the Walls do on a Soulder light
Ript up and in the form there of the Cross
Him stretch. And in their Sight that had this loss
Inquire do at his Intrails and divine
And threaten thus to treate that any time
They take, unless they on them freely would
Bestow all Wealth, their Silver, and their gold.
And of this host, two thousand scarce was found
The following yeare that homeward could rebound.
William the Conquorour in England flew
And Englands Bishops almost all out threw.


Eleven hundred Priests, a thousand others

At York by Cruelty he kills, and smothers.
In Anglesey those Cursed Earles two Hughs
One Chesters Earle, the others Shropshires, twoes
Whose manigment Will left his Wars unto
Did Such accursed Cruelty out throw
As dugg out Some mens Eyes, Some noses slit,
Some tongues Cut out, Some Arms and hands up rip.


Somes testicles, Cut off, and ery Where
Women abused, and deflowred were.
Brave Stanislaus Cracow bishop bold
Did faithfully reproove the King, we're told,
Nam'd Boleslaus, with friendly speech at first,
And after Sharply, seing Still he burst
In Cruelty, Lust, Luxury, Oppression,
In Sloath, and Ideleness, whom by descretion
Seing no mendment, Excommunicate
Hee doth. And now the King through Cruell hate
Forbad him Sacred rites to Celebrate
Within the City. He then out did go
Some ------ more ------ him ------
St. Mich'el Chapell, Celebrates them there.
The King enraged when he of it doth heare,
Goes with his guard into the temple, and
Smote of the bishops head as he did Stand
By th'altar, by the Sword, whose brains thereby
Were Spartled on the Walls. The Guard do fly


Upon his body dragg it out at doore

And hack it all to bits. Yet Patience bore.
And threw the Same to doggs to et them then.
A piece of Dreadfull Cruelty in men.
Simon Jerusalem's Chiefe Patriarch
Doth in his lines to Urban (Turban Arch)
Even thus Complain of horrid Cruelty
They from Mahometans Sustaind. His Cry
Runs thus, We th'Holy City Citizens
Men of Christ native Soile by Saracens
Suffer such things as Christ our King sustaind
By his own Country men that here then reign'd.
We're beaten, Scourg'd, thrust through by Sword and dy.
And evry day some of's are Slaughter'd down
By Clubs, Axe, and the Cross, from town to town
We wander do. And live a very poore
Exild, and Vagrant Life. Hard things endure.
Thus Hee. Oh! Cruelty. What ne're enough!
What strang thing then is man that out doth puff
Such Cruell tortures each on other so
Onely to please their spite in eaches woe?
Oh! how doth this grieve Patience? And procure
The Glorious Hand of Justice on this sore,
Whereto she (grieved Patience giving leave)
Applies her selfe. Crownd with a glorious wreath.