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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]

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441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]


There is no previous monograph on the subject of this
article. Only in the case of particular periods or problems
are there a few specialized accounts which, however, are
often only remotely connected with the topic.


H. Abert, Die Musikanschauung des Mittelalters und ihre
(Halle, 1905). E. Buschor, Die Musen des
(Munich, 1944). R. Dammann, Der Musikbegriff im
deutschen Barock
(Cologne, 1968). H. G. Farmer, “The
Music of Ancient Mesopotamia,” “The Music of Ancient
Egypt,” The New Oxford History of Music, Vol. I (London
and New York, 1960). Th. Gérold, Les pères de l'église et
la musique
(Paris, 1931). R. Hammerstein, Die Musik der
Engel. Untersuchungen zur Musikanschauung des Mittelal-
(Berne and Munich, 1962); idem, “Die Musik in Dantes
Divina Commedia,Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch, 41/42
(Weimar, 1964). K. Meyer-Baer, Music of the Spheres and
the Dance of Death. Studies in Musical Iconology
1970). W. F. Otto, Die Musen und der göttliche Ursprung
des Singens und Sagens
(Düsseldorf and Cologne, 1955).
L. Picken, “The Music of Far Eastern Asia,” “The Music
of India,” The New Oxford History of Music, Vol. I (London
and New York, 1960). J. Quasten, Musik und Gesang in den
Kulten der heidnischen Antike und der christlichen Frühzeit

(Münster, 1930). C. Sachs, Geist und Werden der Musikin-
(Berlin, 1929); trans. as History of Musical Instru-
(New York, 1940); idem, The Rise of Music in the
Ancient World, East and West
(New York, 1943). R. Schäfke,
Geschichte der Musikästhetik (Berlin, 1934). M. Schneider,
“Primitive Music,” The New Oxford History of Music, Vol.
I (London and New York, 1960). M. Wegner, Das Musikleben
der Griechen
(Berlin, 1949). W. Wiora, The Four Ages of
(New York, 1965).


[See also Baroque in Literature; Dualism; God; Hierarchy;
Holy; Macrocosm and Microcosm; Music as a Demonic Art;
Neo-Platonism; Pythagorean...; Religion, Origins, Ritual.]