University of Virginia Library

I ne can close

Of one vniustly defamed.

I Ne can close in short and cunning verse,
Thy worthy praise of bountie by desart:
The hatefull spite and slaunder to reherse.
Of them that see but know not what thou art,
For kind by craft hath wrought thee so to eye,
That no wight may thy wit and vertue spye.
But he haue other fele then outward sight,
The lack wherof doth hate and spite to trie
Thus kind thy craft is let of vertues light:
See how the outward shew the wittes may dull:
Not of the wise but as the most entend,
Minerua yet might neuer perce their scull,
That Circes cup and Cupides brand hath blend.


Whose fonde affects now sturred haue their braine,
So dothe thy hap thy hue with colour staine.
Beauty thy foe thy shape doubleth thy sore,
To hide thy wit and shewe thy vertue vayne,
Fell were thy fate, if wisdome were not more.
I meane by thee euen G. by name,
Whom stormy windes of enuy and disdaine,
Do tosse with boisteous blastes of wicked fame.
Where stedfastnesse as chiefe in thee dothe raigne,
Pacience thy setled minde dothe guide and stere,
Silence and shame with many resteth there.
Till time thy mother list them forth to call,
Happy is he that may enioye them all.