University of Virginia Library

[Clark, first draft:]

November 16th. Satturdey 1805.

a fine morning cool the latter part of the night, I had all
our articles of every discription examined, and found much wet,
had all put out & dried. The 5 Indians Thieves left me. I
took a meridean altd. with Sextt. 50° – 36′ – 15 the shakeing
emige below. I sent out several hunters some to kill fowl
others to hunt deer or Elk. The Sea is fomeing and looks
truly dismal to day, from the wind which blew to day from the
S.W. an Indian canoe passed down to day, loaded with roots
&c. Three Indians came up from below I gave them smoke
but allowed them no kind of Priveleges whatever, they camped
with the 4 which came down yesterday, near us, The evening
provd cloudy & I could make no luner observations. one man
sick with a violent cold cought by lying in his wet clothes,
several nights. Course from Stormey point to Cape Disapointment
is [blank space in MS.] miles, passed a small creek and
an old village at 2 miles on the Stard. Side a small creek at I
mile we Encamped just above a Point in a Deep bay to the
Stard Side into which falls 2 small rivers Std. Grat maney
Indians liveing on the Bay & those two rivers, the lower
End of a large Island in the mouth of the Columbia opsd. to
us, we see Islands at some distance from Land S.W. the
Countrey on the Stard. Side high broken & thickly timbered,
that on the Lard at some distance from Point Adms high and
mountains on a Pinecal of which is snow. at this time. near
the Point is Low bottom land.

our hunters and fowlers killed 2 Deer 1 Crane & 2 ducks,
my Servt york killed 2 Geese & 8 white, black and Speckle
Brants, The white Brant with part of their wings black is much
the largest, the black brant is verry small, a little larger than
a large duck the deer pore but large


Page 228

November 6th. Saturday 1805

Cool the latter part of the last night this morning clear and
butifull; I had all our articles of every discription examined
and put out to Dry. The 5 Chin nooks left us I took a
meridenal altitude with the Sextt. 50°. 35'. 15. which gave for
Lattitude 46°. 19'. 11"=1/10 North. I sent out Several hunters
and fowlers in pursute [of] Elk, Deer, or fowls of any kind.
wind hard from the S. W. the Waves high & look dismal
indeed breaking with great fury on our beech an Indian canoe
pass down to day loaded with Wap-pa-ta- roots; Several Indians
came up to day from below, I gave them Smoke but allowed
them no kind of privilage whatever in the camp, they with
the 4 which came down yesterday encamped a Short distance
from us. The evening proved cloudy and I could not take
any Luner observations. One man Sick with a violent cold,
caught by laying in his wet leather clothes for maney nights

The Countrey on the Stard. Side above Haleys Bay is high
broken and thickley timbered on the Lard. Side from Point
Adams the countrey appears low for 15 or 20 miles back to
the mountains, a pinical of which now is covered with Snow or
hail, as the Opposit [shore] is too far distant to be distinguished
well, I shall not attempt to describe any thing on that
side at present. our hunters and fowlers killed 2 Deer 1 Crain
& 2 Ducks, and my man York killed 2 geese and 8 Brant, 3
of them white with a part of their wings black and much larger
than the Grey brant which is a sise larger than a Duck.[37]


Clark here gives (Codex H, pp. 132–148) the "courses and distances" on the
waters of the Columbia, from the mouth of Snake River to the ocean; these cover
the voyage from October 18 to November 16. This matter is here omitted, as transcripts
of those in the first draft.—Ed.