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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CCXVIII. Nehemiah, Chap V.

The Jews complain of their Debt, Morgage, &c. Nehemiah causeth Restitution.

Injustice soon, and Avarice intrude,
And Want, and loud Complaints their Steps pursu'd:
The Rich oppress'd the Poor, and curs'd Debate,
And heavy Debts obstruct the rising State:
Their Children some, and some their Lands engag'd
For Taxes and for Bread, and worse presag'd:
The Governor with Prudence and Success,
The growing Mischief did in time redress:
The Rulers all their morgag'd Lands restore,
And eating Usury exact no more:
The Register of Judah's small Remains,
They next review, return'd from Babel's Chains,
Conven'd unanimous with pious Fear,
From Ezra's Mouth the sacred Law to hear:
Th'Interpreters of Heav'n the Sence explain,
Which those oraculous ancient Leaves contain;
And gently still the People, who begin
To mourn their own and their Fore-fathers Sin.
Awhile they bid unbend from Grief and Care,
For festal Joys and sober Mirth prepare:


Appeas'd they thence depart, and as they find
Of old, by Moses and by God enjoyn'd,
The verdant Mount from Olives nam'd, ascend
And from the Trees their leavy Branches rend:
The sailing Pine, the friendly Palm they bear,
Nor Olives, nor the Lover-Myrtle spare:
Almost disrob'd the triple Mountain stood,
And to the Town the Crowd transplant the Wood:
Of these they frequent shady Bowrs compose,
The City one continu'd Arbour grows;
Beneath whose chequer'd Roofs the many run,
Admit the gentle Air, and skreen the Sun:
With chearful Shouts and festal Songs proclaim
Their Gladness and their mighty Saviour's Name:
Nor long before their Feast to Fasting turn'd,
Their own and Fathers Sins sincerely mourn'd:
Their ancient Contract is with Heav'n renew'd,
And seal'd by all the trembling Multitude.
They swear to keep the Sabbath's sacred Day,
And Tithes and Off'rings to the Temple pay:
How soon forgot their Oaths and solemn Vows!
How soon forsaken God's tremendous House!
Their Dues unpaid, the Sons of Levi fled,
Their Tribe dispers'd around the Land for Bread:
Nor this the generous Tirshatha endures,
The Levites he recalls, their Rights secures:
The Sabbath's strict Religion he renews,
Profan'd alike by Heathens and by Jews:


The Pontiff's Son he from the Temple chas'd,
Who with a Stranger's Blood Great Aaron's Line disgrac'd.