University of Virginia Library



Let me forget! Why should I seek to hold
Thine image in the mirror of my mind?
For him who can no way to please thee find
To house such tenant were indeed too bold—
Let me forget!
Do I not know the magic of that smile;
The way that wayward color comes and goes,
Fair Lady of the Lily and the Rose,
What time the souls of men thou would'st beguile:
Do I not know?
Thou shalt not reign, proud Queen, in this poor heart;
No rash oath of allegiance will I swear—
Though thou art beautiful beyond compare,
Thine art is nature, and thy nature art—
Thou shalt not reign!
And yet, and yet—how can I close my door?
It may be thou art weary and acold:—
Come in! Come in! To welcome thee is bold;
But work thy will—I am thy slave once more—
And yet! And yet!