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‘Forgiven—even until Now.’



(Num. xiv. 19.)

Thou hast forgiven—even until now!’
We bless Thee, Lord, for this,
And take Thy great forgiveness as we bow
In depth of sorrowing bliss;


While over all the long, regretful past
This veil of wondrous grace Thy sovereign hand doth cast.
‘Forgiven until now!’ For Jesus died
To take our sins away;
His Blood was shed, and still the infinite tide
Flows full and deep to-day.
He paid the debt; we own it, and go free!
The cancelled bond is cast in Love's unfathomed sea.
‘Forgiven until now!’ For God is true,
Faithful and just is He!
Forgiving, cleansing, making all things new!
‘Who is a God like Thee?’
O precious blood of Christ, that saves and heals,
While all its cleansing might the Holy Ghost reveals.
Yes, ‘even until now!’ And so we stand,
Forgiven, loved, and blessed;
And, covered in the shadow of God's hand,
Believing, are at rest.
The one great load is lifted from the soul,
That henceforth on the Lord all burdens we may roll.
Yes, ‘even until now!’ Then let us press
With free and willing feet
Along the King's highway of holiness,
Until we gain the street
Of golden crystal, praising purely when
We see our pardoning Lord; forgiven until then!