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The Dedication of the Kings new Cellar.

To Bacchus.

Since, Bacchus, thou art father
Of Wines, to thee the rather
We dedicate this Cellar,
Where new, thou art made Dweller;
And seale thee thy Commission:
But 'tis with a condition,
That thou remaine here taster
Of all to the great Master.
And looke unto their faces,
Their Qualities, and races,
That both, their odour take him,
And relish merry make him.
For Bacchus thou art freer
Of cares, and over-seer,
Of feast, and merry meeting,
And still begin'st the greeting:
See then thou dost attend him
Lyœus, and defend him,
By all the Arts of Gladnesse
From any thought like sadnesse.
So mayst thou still be younger
Then Phœbus; and much stronger
To give mankind their eases,
And cure the Worlds diseases:
So may the Muses follow
Thee still, and leave Apollo
And thinke thy streame more quicker
Then Hippocrenes liquor:
And thou make many a Poet,
Before his braine doe know it;
So may there never Quarrell
Have issue from the Barrell;
But Venus and the Graces
Pursue thee in all places,
And not a Song be other
Then Cupid, and his Mother.
That when King James, above here
Shall feast it, thou maist love there
The causes and the Guests too,
And have thy tales and jests too,


Thy Circuits, and thy Rounds free
As shall the feasts faire grounds be.
Be it he hold Communion
In great Saint Georges Union;
Or gratulates the passage
Of some wel-wrought Embassage:
Whereby he may knit sure up
The wished Peace of Europe:
Or else a health advances,
To put his Court in dances,
And set us all on skipping,
When with his royall shipping
The narrow Seas are shadie,
And Charles brings home the Ladie.
Accessit fervor Capiti, Numerusque Lucernis.