University of Virginia Library

Long held th' accomplish'd Chief the Fabian name,
(Nor foes nor friends confest but half his fame)
From beauteous Boston drove the royal ranks,
Their inroads check'd on Hudson's rocky banks,
Resolv'd the state to save by wise delay,
Nor risk our fortunes on one fatal day.
But, when by duty urg'd, with dread delight
(Like heav'n's red vengeance rous'd at dead of night)
He rush'd to battle. Witness, wide domains!
Ye Jersey hills and Pennsylvania plains!
Witness, ye war-graves, rising round our coast,
Where rest the bones of half the British host!
Thou, Monmouth, witness through thy waste of sand,
The battle bravely fought as wisely plann'd!

As General Washington was, at one period, erroneously considered by many of his countrymen, as being too much disposed to pursue the Fabian system of war, it was thought the more necessary to attempt to impress the public mind with an idea of his active and enterprizing character whenever the circumstances would justify such conduct. The battle of Monmouth, and the siege of York-Town, are particularly selected for that purpose.