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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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‘Retribution!’ he falter'd. ‘Ah, that work begins.
‘Could you see but the process! Whatever my sins,
‘I will live on myself to avenge them, Lucile.
‘And if aught on this darkness now gleams, 'tis the steel


‘That executes judgment. My own hand lays bare
‘The axe that awaits me!’
‘Alas, Duke, beware!
‘There is a remorse which is sin crowning sin.
‘There is a humility which is akin
‘To the pride of perdition. The pride that claims here
‘On earth to itself (howsoever severe
‘To itself it may be) God's dread office and right
‘Of punishing sin, is a sin in heaven's sight,
‘And against heaven's service. Leave heaven's work to heaven!
‘Let us pray, not indeed to be judged, but forgiven;
‘Pray for pardon, not penance. Eugène de Luvois,
‘Leave the judgment to Him who alone knows the law.
‘Surely no man can be his own judge, least of all
‘His own executioner. Man's pride must fall
‘When it stands up in judgment. Then kneel, Eugène, kneel,
‘And hope, kneeling and praying!’ she murmur'd.
He exclaim'd, and unconsciously sank on his knees,
Overawed by her look.
Then, by solemn degrees,
There crept on the midnight within him a cold
Keen gleam of spiritual light. Fold by fold,
The films of his self-gather'd blindness, in part
Were breath'd bare, and the dawn shudder'd into his heart.
She was silent. At length he look'd upward, and saw
That sad serene countenance, mournful as law


And tender as pity, bow'd o'er him: and heard
In some thicket the matinal chirp of a bird.
The dawn, and the dews of the dawn!... To his eyes,
Tears, he felt them, youth's long-lost familiars, arise!