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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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A Scots Cantata
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A Scots Cantata


The Tune after an Italian Manner. Compos'd by Signior LORENZO BOCCHI


Blate Jonny faintly teld fair Jean his Mind,
Jeany took Pleasure to deny him lang
He thought her Scorn came frae a Heart unkind,
Which gart him in Despair tune up this Sang.


O bonny Lassie, since 'tis sae,
That I'm despis'd by thee,
I hate to live; but O I'm wae,
And unko sweer to die.


Dear Jeany, think what dowy Hours
I thole by your Disdain;
Ah! should a Breast sae saft as yours
Contain a Heart of Stane.


These tender Notes did a' her Pity move,
With melting Heart she listned to the Boy;
O'ercome she smil'd, and promis'd him her Love:
He in Return thus sang his rising Joy.


Hence frae my Breast, contentious Care,
Ye've tint the Power to pine,
My Jeany's good, my Jeany's fair,
And a' her Sweets are mine.
O spread thine Arms and gi'e me Fowth
Of dear enchanting Bliss,
A thousand Joys around thy Mouth,
Gi'e Heaven with ilka Kiss.