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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Sapiencie ixo: Sensum Autem tuum quis sciet, nisi tu crederis sapienciam & miseris spiritum sanctum tuum de altissimis.

Therefor Salomon here in sight
As wytty & wyse As was he,
he Askes heuenly God almyght
To knaw his wytte, what way schyn we,
Bot only ȝif he send vs doun
ffrom heuen his gost þurgh his grace
To teche ws þat we knaw moun,
sadde wytt oȝayns Sathanas.

Ad Corentheos Secundo: Nobis autem reuelauit dominus per spiritum sanctum, &c.