University of Virginia Library


[Howe ys my Sunne (whose Beames are shyning brighte]

Howe ys my Sunne (whose Beames are shyning brighte,
Become the Cause of my Darcke ougly Nighte?
Or howe do I captyved in this darck plighte,
Bewayle the Case, and in the Cause delighte?
My mangled mynde huge Horrors still do frighte,
With Sence possest, and claymde by reasons Righte,
Betwixt whiche twoo in mee I have this fighte,
Where, who so wynnes, I putt my self to flighte.
Come cloudy feares, close up my daselled sighte,
Sorow suck up the Marowe of my Mighte.
Dewe Sighes blowe oute all sparckles of joyfull Lighte?
Tyre on Dispayer uppon my Tyered spirite
An ende, an ende, my Dullde penn can not wryte,
Nor masde heade thincke, nor faultering tongue resyte.