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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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39. On the Memory.
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39. On the Memory.

Does thy corrected Frailty still complaine
Of thy disloyall Mem'ry? do'st retaine
Nothing that's Good? And is the better part
Of what thou hear'st, before it warme thy heart,
Snatcht from thy false Remembrance? Is the most
Of what th'inspired Prophets tell thee, lost
In thy unhospitable eares? And not
To be recall'd? Quite buried? Quite forgot?
Feare not: Thou hast a Chanc'lour in thy Brest,
That keepes th'Exehequer, and hoards up the least,
The poorest Summe: No, no, thou needst not feare;
There's nothing will be lost, that's taken there:
Thinkst thou, that thou hast lost that piece of Gold,
That's dropt into a fairer Heape, untold?


Or canst thou judge that Fier, clos'd about
With rak'd up Embers, 'cause not seene, is out?
Gold, lost in greater summes, is still thine owne;
And rak'd up Embers will, in time, be blowne
To Flames: Beleeve't, the Words thine eares have lost,
Thy heart wil find, when thou shalt need them most.