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[Spoil'd of the bliss to Adam given]

So He drove out the man: and He placed, &c. —iii. 24.

Spoil'd of the bliss to Adam given,
Out of my Maker's presence driven,
My fallen state I mourn;
But fondly sigh my Eden lost;
The flaming sword and angel-host
Prohibit my return.
A fallen, sinful child of man,
By innocence I seek in vain
That Eden to retrieve;
I cannot find the blissful place,
Or, banish'd from Jehovah's face,
Behold my God, and live.
Then let me die to see my Lord!
I rush upon that flaming sword
Which doth the sinner slay:
But he who by Thy justice dies,
By this shut out of paradise,
Shall find another way.
I find it now: most gracious God,
I enter boldly through the blood
Of my redeeming Lord;


By faith I see the bar removed,
I feel lost man again beloved,
And paradise restored.