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A choice of emblemes, and other devises

For the moste part gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And divers newly devised, by Geffrey Whitney. A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both pleasant and profitable: Wherein those that please, maye finde to fit their fancies: Bicause herein, by the office of the eie, and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant deuises: both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment

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Amor sui.

To D. E.
Narcissvs lou'de, and liked so his shape,
He died at lengthe with gazinge there vppon:
Which shewes selfe loue, from which there fewe can scape,
A plague too rife: bewitcheth manie a one.
The ritche, the pore, the learned, and the sotte,
Offende therein: and yet they see it not.
This, makes vs iudge too well of our desertes,
When others smile, our ignorance to see:
And whie? Bicause selfe loue doth wounde our hartes,
And makes vs thinke, our deedes alone to bee.
Whiche secret sore, lies hidden from our eyes,
And yet the same, an other plainlie sees.
What follie-more, what dotage like to this?
And doe we so our owne deuise esteeme?
Or can we see so soone an others misse?
And not our owne? Oh blindnes most extreme.
Affect not then, but trye, and prooue thy deedes,
For of selfe loue, reproche, and shame proceedes.