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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE V. The Two Pots.
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FABLE V. The Two Pots.

The Weakest goes to the Wall.

Two Pots , of diff'rent Size and Matter made,
Were swiftly down a rolling Stream convey'd:
The larger Vessel, form'd of solid Brass,
Did boldly o'er the rapid Water pass:
While that, whose Substance was but brittle Clay,
Wou'd, for his Safety, give the Stronger Way.
Him the Brass-Pot invited to draw near,
And said, His Frailty need not cause his Fear;
For he, with just Precaution, wou'd prevent
The Danger of their justling as they went.
The Earthen-Pot, that knew his weaker Frame,
Excus'd himself, that he no nearer came;
And said, My Friend, if the impetuous Tide
Shou'd dash my Clay against your Brazen Side;
By the hard Fate of that unequal Stroke,
While you are whole, I shall be surely broke.


‘Men safest still in Equal Friendship live,
‘Where they can do no Harm, and none receive:


‘The Strong, by Pow'r, led to insult the Weak,
‘With ev'ry Touch, the brittle Vessels break;
‘While they, Abus'd and Injur'd by the Strong,
‘Must, without Remedy, sustain the Wrong:
‘A just Resentment vainly they express,
‘And perish, by attempting a Redress:
‘For, like weak Ships, that bulge against a Rock,
‘They dash themselves to Pieces in the Shock.