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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secunda causa quare apparuit in specie ignis pocius quam in Alio elemento sumitur penes sue deitatis excellenciam, &c.

The secunde cause quy he don went
In fir lykenes to mon-kynde
helder þen in oþer element,
I shall declare now as I fynde.


ffor fir is mor excellent
in thre maners, take þis in mynde,
þen ony other elyment,
And mor curiouse in his kynde,
In schappe, in ordre & vertue eke.
& in schappe I shall say quy,
ffor fayren þen fir no mon may seke
þer leghtnes none so louelely;
Be ordre also preue I may
hit passes other mony moo,
ffor herr þen oþer fir is Ay
In settyng & doyng eke also;
& vertu hit has als weterly
mor þen þes other thre,
& strengthe þer he comes by
to maystre hom all, leue ȝe me.
So fares hit of þo Holy Gost
of fayrenes he passes all,
& in rewle & ordre als is moost
ffor of All gostes he is wall,
And of vertue weterly
So excellent þer may none be,
As in Latyn preue will I
ffor clerkes be Autorite:

Sapiencie Septimo: Primo dicitur spiritus sanctus non quoinquinatus, pro secundo capit omnes spiritus intelligibiles, pro tercio habens omnem virtutem, &c.

Tercio sumitur penes multiplicem proprius efficaciam.

Tho thrid cause wele taken is
ffor kyndely profet þat fir has,
And faur kyndes he has I-wis,
Reherse I will now in this plaas.