University of Virginia Library

The restauration of this Parliament,
To their due reputation; to prevent
The bondage of the People; and to bring
All things to right, betwixt you, and your King,
Is that, wherein, I have with good intention,
Imploid, long time, the best of my invention;
Yet, there appears no likelihood to me,
Of saving any one, of all the three,
From hazzard, or from plagues, that linger shall,
But, by a reconciling of them all.
And, I conceive it will deserve more thank,
To play the Artist, then the Mountebank;
Who leaves the course, that's naturall, and sure;
To raise his credit by a desp'rate cure.
He, that, by way of Chymistry would act,
And, her Three Principles hope to compact
Into one Body; ere he compasse shall
His end, must first prepare each Minerall
Secundum Artem, taking that away,
Which hinder their incorporation may;
And, adding that, which doth unite their natures:
So, he that would his Trinity of creatures
Make up again, in one, must do the same,
And, now, about that royall work I am;
Which, if I keep a rightly tempred fire,
Will bring forth that production I desire.