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For loue Appollo

The power of loue ouer gods them selues.

For loue Appollo (his Godhead set aside)
Was seruant to the kyng of Thessaley,
Whose daughter was so pleasant in his eye,
That bothe his harpe and sawtrey he defide.
And bagpipe solace of the rurall bride,
Did puffe and blowe and on the holtes hy,
His cattell kept with that rude melody,
And oft eke him that doth the heauens gyde.
Hath loue transformed to shapes for him to base
Transmuted thus sometime a swan is he,
Leda taccoye, and eft Europe to please,
A milde white bull, vnwrinckled front and face,
Suffreth her play tyll on his backe lepeth she,
Whom in great care he ferieth through the seas.