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The 'Leventh Age, which blake and blew appears
Cudgeld to Gelly by her perblind Seers
Whose Crossiers Staffs Club arguments do rise,
Herculian Clubs) not Aron's Rod, and Sise
With Stygian Darkness ery Stripe they make
Dawns on a pace. Whose dayes a Maske up take
In Superstitions Blew pot Di'de, and tand
Whose Doctors with their Cat-a-nine tailes stand
Like persons whipping of an Ape. Yet not
With Peters Angle Rod, but with a knot
Of Wired Cruelties that Stains the glory
Of this Soure Age portrayed in our Story.
But now I come to Search the Stars that Shine
In this dark night, of Attributes Divine
Carbuncle like, in Beams of Grace most bright
Of Patience, Justice, Wonder Working Might
And Holy Truth, that so Gods blessed praise
May glorify his Realm these glouting dayes.