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Scene VIII.

Clotaldo, who remains at the side-scene; Sigismund, Clarin, and Servants.
To calm Prince Sigismund devolves on me,
Because 'twas I who reared him:—What do I see?


Thy favour, sir, I prize;
To thee the silence of my speech replies;
For when the reason's dull, the mind depressed,
He best doth speak who keeps his silence best.

You must not leave me. Stay:
What! would you rob my senses of the ray
Your beauteous presence gave?

That licence, from your Highness, I must crave.

The violent efforts that you make
Show that you do not ask the leave you take.

I hope to take it, if it is not given.

You rouse my courtesy to rage, by heaven!—
In me resistance, as it were, distils
A cruel poison that my patience kills.

Then though that poison may be strong,
The source of fury, violence, and wrong,
Potent thy patience to subdue,
It dare not the respect to me that's due.

As if to show I may,
You take the terror of your charms away.
For I am but too prone
To attempt the impossible; I to-day have thrown
Out of this window one who said, like you,
I dare not do the thing I said I would do.
Now just to show I can,
I may throw out your honour, as the man.

More obstinate doth he grow;
What course to take, O heavens! I do not know,
When wild desire, nay, crime,
Perils my honour for the second time.

Not vainly, as I see,
This hapless land was warned thy tyranny
In fearful scandals would eventuate,
In wrath and wrong, in treachery, rage and hate.


But who in truth could claim
Aught from a man who is but a man in name,
Audacious, cruel, cold,
Inhuman, proud, tyrannical and bold,
'Mong beasts a wild beast born?—

It was to save me from such words of scorn
So courteously I spoke,
Thinking to bind you by a gentler yoke;
But if I am in aught what you have said,
Then, as God lives, I will be all you dread.
Ho, there! here leave us. See to it at your cost,
The door be locked; let no one in.

[Exeunt Clarin and the attendants.
I'm lost!
Consider. ...

I'm a despot, and 'tis vain
You strive to move me, or my will restrain.

Oh, what a moment! what an agony!
I will go forth and stop him though I die.
[He advances.
My lord, consider, stay. ...

A second time you dare to cross my way,
Old dotard: do you hold
My rage in such slight awe you are so bold?
What brought you hither? Speak!

The accents of this voice, however weak,
To tell you to restrain
Your passions, if as King you wish to reign,—
Not to be cruel, though you deem
Yourself the lord of all, for all may be a dream.

You but provoke my rage
By these old saws, the unwelcome light of age,
In killing you, at least I'll see
If 'tis a dream or truth.

[As he is about to draw his dagger Clotaldo detains it, and throws himself on his knees.


Sole hope for me
To save my life is thus to humbly kneel.

Take your audacious hand from off my steel.

Till some kind aid be sent,
Till some one come who may your rage prevent,
I will not loose my hold.

Oh, Heaven!

I say,
Loose it, old dotard, grim and gaunt and gray,
Or by another death
[They struggle.
I'll crush you in my arms while you have breath.

Quick! quick! they slay
Clotaldo, help! oh, help!

[Astolfo enters at this moment, and Clotaldo falls at his feet; he stands between them.
This strange affray,
What can it mean, magnanimous Prince? would you
So bright a blade imbrue
In blood that age already doth congeal?
Back to its sheath return the shining steel.

Yes, when it is bathed red
In his base blood.

This threatened life hath fled
For sanctuary to my feet;
I must protect it in that poor retreat.

Protect your own life, then, for in this way,
Striking at it, I will the grudge repay
I owe you for the past.

I thus defend
My life; but majesty will not offend.

[Astolfo draws his sword and they fight.
Oh! wound him not, my lord.