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Scene IV.

A lane in the Neighbourhood of the Castle of Malespina—A Provost and two Marshalsmen.

We must by no means follow him in; for
being the castle of the great Chamberlain's daughter,
'twere an offence to enter it.

1st Marshalsman.

On the King's errand?


Better for such as we to look to the
Chamberlain than to the King. If a man would prosper, he
should be more nimble to please those near above him
than those far above him. Even were the King to
remember a small service, it should hardly fall in his
way to befriend us.

2nd Marshalsman.

He would not so much as know
our names.


Moreover, it is better to do no man a
displeasure than to do any man a good turn. For you may
be sure of reprisals, but who can count upon rewards?

2nd Marshalsman.

Truly there are ten revengeful men
for one that is thankful.


Therefore, though we could take the Count
no other way, I would not follow him into the castle;
but if we watch for him as he comes out we cannot miss
him; and if we do not tarry long we may get half-way
through the forest with him before nightfall.

1st Marshalsman.

Sleeping at St. Elmo's in the forest
to-night, we should reach the court on Wednesday.


2nd Marshalsman.

Then we are to ensconce
ourselves here.


Behind yonder busher, close to the gate.