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An Oratorio

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Chorus of Israelitish Virgins.
Recitative accompanied.
1 Vir.
On time's swift wing the dreadful hour is come!
With mournful steps, in solemn slow procession,
The princes pass to die; a num'rous train
In sackcloth follow—Hark! the dirge of death.
[Solemn music.
It ceases—and now awful silence reigns
O'er all the prostrate crowd. The victims now,
(Alas! their sands are few) look round aghast;
And now their eyes are veil'd to gaze no more:
They lift their trembling hands, and give the sign!
Now, now, the agonies of death are on them!—
Now the last pang resigns them to the bar
Of heav'n's eternal Judge—tremendous thought!

Indulge unblam'd your tears, ye virgin train,
When guilt exacts the salutary pain:
For oft as Justice wounds with dreadful sweep,
Still gentle pity claims the right to weep;
The friend of man, she melts at ev'ry woe,
Nor sees her streaming eye who feels the blow.

1 Vir.
O sight of yet more horror! turn we from it—
At this dread moment, by the prostrate camp,
Zimri, inflam'd by beauty and by wine,
Leads Zuran's daughter, glowing with desire:
Behind them, dancing to the timbrel's sound,
The gay companions of her wanton hours.

2d Vir.
Her arts in vain essay'd, from death to save


The victims destin'd to atone the past:
But with fresh insult to provoke our God,
She now prevails, and we for Zimri perish!

1st Vir.
The sky grows dark, presaging swift destruction!—
Ah! what can intercept th'impending stroke?
Ah! who propitiate now affronted Heav'n?