University of Virginia Library

SCENE I. The Forum.

Junius with Citizens.
Let Capua sink under the Rods of Rome:
Her Axes hew your Branches to the stock,
The Lifeless trunk, never to sprout agen.
The Gods appointment always is the best,
But every way your ruine will be just.

1. Cit.

If all our Nobles are of your mind, what must become
of the City in a little time?

It must become the injur'd Roman's spoil,
At the best, that, and you their faithless Slaves,
As you deserve, unworthy to be Friends.
Now, now the day of your account draws on.
The Roman Consuls come as Ministers
Of Wrath, and Terror to this guilty Town,
Arm'd with the kindled Justice of the Gods
Against your Crimes, with their avenging Bolts
From Heav'n, and the devouring Flames of Hell,
To burn, destroy, and ruine you, and yours.
They have invested you with Fire, and Sword.
Famine, and Pestilence will follow soon
In the starv'd rear, to seize, and fasten on
Those Wretches, who just scape the stroke of War.
You have variety of Misery
Before you, in this siege, to pick, and chuse
What Death you please, but think not to escape.
Your Hannibal has left you, with the Gods,
And all good Men, to sure perdition.

2. Cit.
A sorry comforter—


1. Cit.

Of tother side; no friend of ours; no matter what
he says. He wishes it were worse, if possible.

3. Cit.

Nay, 'tis ev'n bad enough; and how 'twill be better
I don't know.

2. Cit.

We're in a miserable condition, that's the truth on't,
and which way to apply our selves for a remedy—

1. Cit.

Ay, that's the way, if we cou'd hit on't.

2. Cit.
Let's to the Forum,
There we shall find our fellow Citizens,

1. Cit.
We'll joyn with them, for something must be done.

Junius Returns.
What is't to me, my Country, Capua?
Who does maintain, or who deserts her Cause?
Favonia is the Province of my Care.
And her I have deserted, basely left,
How! basely! nay, abandon'd to the Rage,
It may be, of a jealous Husband too.
Ha! whether am I hurry'd by my Fears?
Had I foreseen but half the Accidents,
That threaten now, what wou'd I not have done?
I wou'd have snach'd her from his cruel Hands.
And may do still. I will declare my Love,
Clear her suspected Honour to the World,
Or justifie my Passion by Revenge.
