University of Virginia Library

Scena Prima.

Enter Dacus, and Spinella.
I tell thee (sweet Spinella) I adore thee,
Have for thee a more generous affection,
Than the greatest Lord in all this Province hath.

You mean Bassanes. But, my doughty Captain!
He doth express his love in Golden Termes;
Which I more value then a Souldier's Oathes.

He loves you for himself, and not for you
Mine is a virtuous Flame.

Your Dotage is,
For-getfull grown of what is past.

I fain
Would marry you

Dacus! I am too young

Why jests my pritty wanton so?

Old women that love melancholy Lifes,
Are the fitst Creatures to make slavish wifes.

Have you so small Esteem for holy Marriage?
And can you think it such a Bondage?



Are not such yoak'd together? And oftentimes?
Draw they not Contrary waies; like Dogs in Couples?
The tugging at an Oare in any Gally
Is as much Liberty as your Matrimony.

Fie pritty Atheist. Such profaness quit
And take an Husband, take thy Captain Dacus:
A man whose sword shall reap the Parthian Fields,
And bring thee in (by frequent victories)
A large Revenew, equall to thy wishes.

My glorious talking Captain, I shall not
Be won with empty words.

Have you no care
Of future Bliss, or Bare?

Plato, and Virgil he hath read, I smell him,
And Courts me with their trim Philosophy.

As you resolve to live, you do not Mean
To serve the Gods.

There you come somthing near me
But Venus is a goddess, and I shall
Serve her. But Dacus! To be plain with you,
I love a Gaudy Charriot, and fine Horses,
Servants of all sorts, in rich Liveries,
Delicious Meats, and Wines, costly Apparell,
And Jewels of the highest value. I must


Out-glitter all the Femals of the Province,
Or I shall want my will.

And all this Bravery
Bassanes wealth shall furnish you withall
You hope, as I suppose. But (dear Spinella)
Think of his Marriage. He hath now a wife
Of great Descent, who brought a Fortune to him
So vast, I want Arethmetick to name it:
And she may look to be maintain'd at th'height
Of all his Means; And then your hopes will proove
Fleeting as shadows, vanish in the Aire.

'Twit me not with his wedlock: For our Crime
Will now be greater, And he shall be brought
To buy his Pleasure at an higher value.

Enter Hannibal, Cacala, and Floretta.
The Roman Captain his Mistris, and his servant.
How fares it with my mighty man of War,
Let us shake our victorious Hands in Peace,
And pray to Mars to set the world in uprore.

That Timerous Princes may grow Bountifull;


Court us to take Employment on us, while
Their Luxuries they may securely follow.

Brave Captain Hannibal, such iron Times
Would be a Golden Age to us; shall we
Together walk and drink an health or two,
To all the Sons of Battail?

I am for you.

Then I'le retire and keep my Mother Company.

Exeunt Han. Dac. Spin.
Gentle Floretta stay. Let me not loose
This opportunity to wooe thy love.

Where learn't your folly those fine words?

Your eyes have taught me to express my heart:
They have infus'd a Spirit of speech into me.

You have been certainly with some Pedagogue,
And hired him to pen this Courtship for you.

I love thee better then I love my Captain.

And I your Captain much above you affect.

What delicate eyes you have! I'le kiss them out,
And weare them in my ears.

You shall be hang'd first,
I'de rather scratch thy heart out with my nayles.


And stuffe a Cushion with't.

To sit, and fart upon't, and keep warm.
Thou art a pretious Rogue, and I had rather
Have thee to be my wife, then any Damsell.
That lives in the Suburra. Give me a wench
In all the Gamesome frailty of her youth;
Especially, wood she turn honest afterwards.

Thou talk'st at such a Randam Cacala,
That th'art a Pastime to me. But why rather
Wouldst thou elect, a Beauty broken up
Then one that's sound?

To tell you the plain Truth,
An honest woman is a Bugbear to me:
I never took Delight in their Acquaintance.

Run after your Master tell him I would speak with him.

I'le pimpe no more: But will henceforth grow honest.

I doubt me (Cacala!) thou hast of late
Been troubled with some terrible Dreams. Hast seen
Pluto, and his dark Region in thy sleep?
What else should make thee talke of Virtue?

The goodwill (Floretta) that I bear to you
Engages me to this discourse. I pray thee
Take me unto thy Husband; And we then
Will run away together, leave Captain Hannibal.


To his new Fortune; And resolve both of us
To lead our lives Honestly for the future.

Out thou villain! Turn Traytor to Master
So liberall to thee as Captain is?
But that I know he would frown thee to death,
I would acquaint him with this Parley mend
Or neither he, nor I, will be thy Friend.
Exit Flor.

I know not what to make of this wench, and yet I would fain
Make her my wife: But I think I am a fool for my Labour.
Shee'l hold her Peace I hope, That's all my Care
And then to get her, I will not despaire.
