University of Virginia Library

Scæna Prima.

Enter Chorus.
The War with glory ended; and Cosroe
(Acknowledging his fealtie to Charinus)
Dismiss'd in peace, returns to Persia:
The rest, arriving safely unto Rome,
Are entertain'd with Triumphs: Maximinian,
By the grace and intercession of his Uncle,
Saluted Cæsar: but good Dioclesian,
Weary of Pomp and State, retires himself
With a small Train, to a most private Grange
In Lumbardie; where the glad Countrey strives
With Rurall Sports to give him entertainment:
With which delighted, he with ease forgets
All specious trifles, and securely tastes
The certain pleasures of a private life.
But oh Ambition, that eats into
With venom'd teeth, true thankfulnesse, and honour.
And to support her Greatnesse, fashions fears,
Doubts, and preventions to decline all dangers,
Which in the place of safetie, prove her ruine:
All which be pleas'd to see in Maximinian,
To whom, his confer'd Soveraignty was like
A large sail fill'd full with a fore-right winde,
That drowns a smaller Bark: and hee once faln
Into ingratitude, makes no stop in mischief,
But violently runs on. Allow Maximinian all,
Honour, and Empire, absolute command;
Yet being ill, long great he cannot stand.
