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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. IX.

The Argument.

Thankes here be spyed
To God applyed
for tyrauntes iust decaie:
Who persecute
In hatefull sute
good Christians all daie.



Due thankes with song: I wil ful long
in hart geue Lord to thee:
I will endight: of thy great might,
thy workes so wondrous bee.


I will reioyce: in hart and voyce,
full glad in thee O Lorde:
Thy name so hie: to magnifie,
in song I will accorde.


For that in hast: my foes fled fast,
and backe fell all their might:
No better speede: shall them succeede,
but fall from thy good sight.


But thou in deede: hast maynteined,
my right and eke my cause:
Thy throne is true: thy sentence due,
thou iudgest with equall lawes.



The heathen sect: well hast thou checkt,
thou hast stroyd wicked men:
Thou hast theyr name: put out with shame,
for aye and euer agayne.


O thou so hye: myne enemye,
thy wastes haue now their ende:
As citie bee: destroyed by thee,
theyr fame wyth them is shend.


But Gods deuise: shall stand and rise,
the Lord shall still endure:
In iust regard: he hath prepard,
his seat to iudge vs sure.


For righteousnes: he will expresse,
when he shall iudge the land:
And iudge shall hee: in equitie,
his folke by rightfull hand.


The Lord I say: will be all day,
a fence for man opprest:
A refuge sweete: in season meete,
when griefe at hand is prest.


Who knowth thy name: will trust the same,
for they thy worde do leeke:
For their aduayle: thou wilt not fayle,
all them that thee do seeke.


O prayse the Lord: in psalmes accorde,
who dwelth in Zion place:
Declare his strength: with wordes at length
to folke of his good grace.



For whan in ire: he doth enquire,
for bloud he them recounth:
He will not yet: the poore forget,
theyr cryes to hym do mount.


O Lord me saue: and mercy haue,
expende my wofull state:
How suffer I: myne enemy,
ryd me from death the gate.


That I may tell: thy daughters well,
of Zyon all thy prayse:
To sprede in streete: thy health so sweete,
to ioye thy health alwayes.


The Heathen bee: sonke downe ye see,
in pit that they dyd delue:
Their owne set net: theyr foote hath get,
and trapt therwith themselue.


The Lord is seene: how he hath beene,
true iudge to wicked bandes:
The wycked is: well snarde iwis,
wyth workes of hys owne handes.


The naught shall dwell: euen thrust to hell,
if they wyll not repent:
Yea all the rout: that put God out,
of mynde shall foule be shent.


For God so wyse: wyll not despyse,
alway the poore that wayle:
The restfull harte: of mysers smarte,
for euer shall not quayle.



Up Lord to stand: lest vpper hand,
man get of thy good flocke:
The Heathens spite: iudge thou in sight,
wyth all theyr broode and stocke.


Put them in feare: thy dread to beare,
O Lord themselfe to see:
As wretched men: how wyde they renne,
in errour all from thee.
