University of Virginia Library

Moreo'er, Her voice, melodious;
More dulcet thán was ever shepherds reed:
A croc of nard, set ón an aumbry shelf;
With incense ánd oil olive, for the wicks;
Me bade uptake; and tó anoint therewith,
The thrall, whereín my soul is pent, this flesh;
Come to dark ground of Hel-deeps first descent;
From living light, at dóor of dread Abyss.
And thereto do-on likewise, Her last gift;
(Which also brought the Temple-priestess forth):
Shroud-like swart Orphic garment, óf Worlds grave.
Yet, more than all, (Her divine afterthought;)
From certain ínmost secret sealed recess,
Made ín the marble walling of the House,
Unwist: the Muse committed to my trust,
With antique curious diligence, wrapped about,
With many silken cloths; that master-work,
Above all worth, which sómetime Merlin wrought;
With dwarves which served him, ín a bower of glass:


Strange mirror, which those Earth-folk burnished clear.
Therein, we might, the sacred Muse me taught:
It wrying deftly, áfter certain sort;
Shadowed discern, through mountains'-mass of rocks,
Derne image óf this Sun-kisst Upper Earth:
Our hope in Hel; to comfort of our hearts.
But sovereign virtue óf the Muses' cup:
Already a vital change I might perceive
Within me wrought: whence I the space henceforth
Of many days should need no mortal bread.
The priestess sithence, turning golden leaves;
Read from a chapter, ás prescribed the Muse;
Words of the Gods, which might not be rehearsed:
But past Hels voyage, from mind again should fade.
Of power to loose éven ádamantine bands:
And évoke forepassed spirits, which swoon in death.
The Muse yet spake, Remember ye, which seek
Hid things, with high intent, in Worlds beneath;
Must warily tread: ready aye, as ye pass forth,
To endúre, before-unknown, extremities.
Other before you, whom no fear might daunt;
With fervent great desire, the like have sought.


Of whom the most, deceived of their souls' hope;
Have perished midst blind hazard of Hel-paths;
Seeing hitherto none returned to living Earth.
From ivory see, that saying, the Muse uprose,
Bidding me sue; and Lady of heavenly birth,
She issued forth: and hastily thence we trace.