University of Virginia Library



The attribution of this poem is questionable.


From a village that lay
In a land far away,
A dog they call'd Hardy was brought;
He came in a ship from his own native land;
The ship left him lonely and lost on the strand;
And vainly the sailors he sought.
He knew not the day,
That the ship sail'd away;
He wandered, a stranger, unknown;
But daily beside the wide water he stood,
And look'd on the ships as they lay on the flood,
And tried to discover his own.
One day a poor child,
That was playful and wild,
Fell into the deep flowing wave;
The dog saw it sink, and the billow close o'er,
He rush'd in and brought the poor child to the shore,
Alive from the watery grave.


A home as a meed,
For his generous deed,
Thenceforward was freely supplied;
His friends gave him food, and a kindly caress;
They loved him while living, and would not do less,
Than give him a grave when he died.