University of Virginia Library

“It must not be! Away! Away!
“I may not gaze,—I cannot stay;—
“The vales that I have loved so dear,
“When life was fed by youthful dreaming,—
“When love was life,—when joy was seeming,
“When words could raise, and looks could cheer,
“Are now beheld as prospects drear,—
“And many a cause for grief and fear
“Have made me hate to sojourn here.
“I've tried my Safie's loss to bear,
“I cannot overcome despair!


“Oh! what were dearest are now most hated,—
“The form so fair,—the light of the eye,—
“The look that promised,—the voice that elated,—
The tear of affection,—the causeless sigh;
“Shed to betray and breathed but to die;
“For fate on my happiest joys hath sated,
“And hath left me but to fly.”