University of Virginia Library



Look into mother's eyes
Beaming above you!
Only one, baby mine,
So much can love you!
One, but one gaze alone
Such love is giving,
Baby, into our own
While we are living;
Look into mother's eyes
Beaming above you!
No other eyes as much
Ever shall love you.
Drink in that love now yours!
That shall change never;
Like God's, that love endures
Now and for ever;
Baby, in after days,
O let no morrow
Ever, of yours, that gaze
Sadden with sorrow!
Laugh into mother's eyes
Beaming above you!
But one, beneath the skies,
So much can love you.
In God's good time, may be,
In years before you,
Other dear eyes you'll see,
Bend in love o'er you;


But let none others be,
To your heart nearer!
Others you'll never see
Where you are dearer;
Laugh into mother's eyes,
Love-lit above you!
No other loving eyes
So much shall love you.