University of Virginia Library



The sun hath clos'd his golden eye,
And faintly smiles the parting day;
Fair wanderer of the woodlands tell,
Ah! tell me whither dost thou stray?
Where is thy solitary path?
While o'er the east the moonbeams pour,
Lov'st thou to tread the shadowy vale,
And muse the visionary hour?
Or dost thou loiter in the grove,
To pull the violets bath'd in dew,
Or hear the night-lark from his bower,
His tender strain of woe review?


Or view the summer calling star,
That gems the sapphire brow of even;
Or waken with thy tuneful voice
Sweet echo from her aery heaven.
Soft fall the dew in fragrant showers,
Where'er thy truant feet may rove;
And brighter beam the orb of night,
To guide thee thro' the pathless grove.
And sweeter chant the bird of love,
With raptur'd notes to win thine ear;
And cherub shadows hover o'er,
And ever at thy steps be near!