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by T. Westwood

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Away, maiden, away!
To the glancing woods where the sunbeams play;
Linger not thou in thy stately hall,
Where gloomy shadows at mid-day fall;
A lighter, and fairer canopy
Than the sculptur'd roof is the summer sky.
Away, maiden, away!
Tarry not thou in the bower to day!
There are mossy banks where the wild thyme blooms
That mock the treasures of Persia's looms,
And brighter and purer far I ween
Than the glitter of gems, is the dew drop's sheen.


Away, maiden, away!
The wandering breezes all chide thy stay;
The flower is shedding its sweets in vain,
And lost to thy ear is the bird's glad strain,
And the timid deer in its wild retreat,
Pines for the sound of thy fairy feet.
Away, Maiden, away!
Nature awaits thee in bright array;
She has woven a garland, whose every flower
Hath been kiss'd by the sunbeam, and washed by the shower;
On her favourite's brow must its bloom be shed
Ere its fragrance be past, or its freshness fled,
Then away, maiden, away!