University of Virginia Library



Not for all thy beauty's splendour,
Not for all the loving tender
Of thy grace to me observant,
Am I, Dear! thy grateful servant,—
Nor for all thy gifts and graces,—
But because my thought still places
Thee with other things divine,
Do I love thee, Lady mine!
For thy truth and holiest chasteness,
Where thy love as in a fastness
Welcomes me, for thy devotion
To haught honour, thine emotion—
Pitiful yet justly dealing
Spite of womanliest feeling,—
For thou art perfection's sign,
Do I love thee, Lady mine!
Were I all thy virtues telling,
Heralds' catalogues outswelling,
Other reasons well could measure
Why in thee my love has pleasure:
But I need not fill the story,—
Whoso know thee see the glory


Circling round thy face divine,
Why I love thee, Lady mine!