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The Tragic Mary

By Michael Field [i.e. K. H. Bradley and E. E. Cooper]

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Scene VI
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Scene VI

Outside the Kirk o' Fields; Bothwell, Paris, Hay, and Hepburn
Hell! Must I wait on time to do my work,
The unconcerned and common moments, mere
Serfs of occasion?—stand with senses ready,
Yet wait upon a match that will not burn
As quick as hedge-snake moves her rings of skin,
Though fire itself is circling up the splint?
Curse my reliance on a tricksy force
Not bound in this right arm! O weariness,
That mounts to terror! Lads, I shall roar out
Unless the noise begin. The very night
Is but an ear, expecting what it knows
Will burst from silence. Hepburn, the nine months
I lay enwombed were shorter than these seconds
That travail with explosion. Ha, ha, ha!
The glow-worm has a firm shine in the tail;
Have we a Jack-a-lanthorn in our service,
Will-o'-the-Wisp, a lighted impotence,
Lustless and unconducive? On my soul,
The spark is out. Is there no window-pane
Through which I could be spy on my tormentor,
This slack, starved faggot?

Monsieur, round the house


There's such a casement.

But the de'il himself,
For all the frying that he gets below,
Would scarcely put his head in through the place
At this sweet time.

The air has grown congealed;
’Twill be incapable of prodigy
If kept like this. I'll go.

You shall not.

My lord, be patient, or the king and you
Will both fly up like witches.

Are you certain
The flame caught? There is booming at my heart,
As if the blood touched powder. I am mad,
As all are who await results, and do not
Whip their own actions to the goal. My project
Is gone to sleep, like yon unbusied town
With all the ashen hearths. I cannot choose
But look to it—Halloo! The darkness cracks!
The die is cast.

(Kirk o' Fields is blown into the air)
(Falling flat on the ground)
Alas, a thunderstorm
In one affrighting clap. Monsieur, what is't?

Oft have I wrought great enterprises, never
They struck me with a fear like this. The pit
Of dun destruction gapes and all the noise
Of torment makes acclaim about my ears.


Hay, Hepburn, is it over? How the air
Was tranquil it invades! I give my deed
A voice, I hear it cry. Up, fellows, run!
Quaking, you fools? It is accomplishment
That shouts and triumphs. Hepburn, lend a torch!
I see the stones, no bodies.

Crushed like rats,
I warrant them.

Off, off!

The rocks have heard.

The people will not sleep.

Away, away!

Exeunt in flight