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A Metrical History of England

Or, Recollections, in Rhyme, Of some of the most prominent Features in our National Chronology, from the Landing of Julius Caesar to the Commencement of the Regency, in 1812. In Two Volumes ... By Thomas Dibdin

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Began A. D. 547.—Ended 792.—Comprised two Kingdoms, Bernicia and Deira.—Bamburgh and York were the Capitals.


Scene of full many a desp'rate border fight!
(Where Northern Chiefs, in ancient order dight,
By Percys led, met gallant Scots in arms;—
Percys, for prowess fam'd and female charms,)
Thy first king Adelfrid historians name,
'Till conquest prov'd young Edwin's better claim.
(Such just administration his, we're told,
Infants might safely bear uncounted gold!)
'Till slain by Mercian Penda. Civil jars
Divide Northumbria; and continued wars
By Osric, Eanfrid, Oswald, Oswy, waged,
Destroyed those monarchs; nor less furious raged,
While Egfrid, Alfred, Osred, Celwolf,—all,
Fought but to reign; and only reign'd to fall.


Like Oswald, Mollo, Ailred, slain; deposed
Like Celwold, Osred, Ethelbert, they closed
A list of horrors, fated not to cease,
'Till Egbert Union gave, and Union Peace.