University of Virginia Library



[In the green forest-spaces]

In the green forest-spaces,
Brimful of bright flower-faces,
The sum of all their graces,
She stood before me,
And on my spirit such a shower
Of radiance shed, that hour by hour
I know no respite from the power
Love wieldeth o'er me.
As with presumptuous motion
Streams vex the vast of ocean,
What can my poor devotion
But shame and flout her?
So weak my worth, so low my lot,
Life's very self sufficeth not
To cast upon Love's heap: for what
Were life without her?
Yet, be the thought forgiven,
That I with sins unshriven
Dare lift so nigh to heaven
A heart so earthy;
Though not its highest, holiest sighs
To thy pure atmosphere may rise,
One look of love from those dear eyes
Would make me worthy.