University of Virginia Library



He was very near the Oval
When I caught his starving look.
Was he Empty Purse on holiday,
Or dole-defended crook?
I passed, then turned upon my heel
To front him, bleak and sad.
The build of head, the eyes, the chin
Were such as made me glad.
“Anything the matter, lad?
In pain?
Would a bun and cup of cocoa
Give you confidence again?”
He had learnt that Hobbs was nearly
At the hundred mark once more.
Of a sudden came the leather-lunged
And rolling Surrey roar.
Though sixty, I had never seen
Devotion thus employ
Beside a fence at Kennington
A starrier flash of joy.
“How about a shilling, boy?
It's yours!
Run along and watch the Master
Help himself again to Fours!”