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The Land of Love

A poem [by Aphra Behn]

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The River of Despair.

This River from th'obdurate Rock proceeds,
And cuts its Way thro' melancholly Meads.
Its Torrent has no other Source,
But Tears from dying Lover's Eyes;
Which, mix'd with Sighs, precipitates its Course,
Soft'ning the flinty Rocks ingliding by.
Its doleful Murmurs have such Eloquence,
As gives the Trees and Flowers pitying Sense;
And Cruelty alone knows in what Sort
(Who laughs at all Despair and Death as Sport)
Against the moving Sound to make Defence.
A dismal Wood the River's Bank does bear,
Almost excluding Day from ent'ring there;
Yet thro' the Shade glimmers a sullen Light,
Which renders all below more terrible than Night,
Just making visible on every Tree,
Sad Stories carv'd of Love and Cruelty.
The Grove is fill'd with Sighs, with Cries, and Groans,
Reproaches, and Complaints, and dying Moans;


The neighb'ring Eccho's nothing do repeat,
But what the Soul sends forth in sad Regret.
'Twas in this Place, despairing e'er to see
Aminta from the Arms of Cruelty;
That I design'd to render up my Breath,
And charge the cruel Charmer with my Death.