University of Virginia Library

A SONG, Written for a Club at Bristol, which met at the West India Coffee-House, kept by Mr. Hawkes.


Divine Concordia! from the spheres
Return'd to bless the happy few,
In this gay circle now appears,
And bids us all our joys renew.
Her blest harmonious train she brings,
With ev'ry soul-elating sound;
While Pleasure waves her rosy wings,
And Pain and Sorrow quit the ground.



Now undisturb'd fair Friendship reigns,
What breast but owns her sacred power?
While sings the muse in vocal strains,
To celebrate the social hour.


See! Hawks supplying all our wants:
Our nectar, see! in copious floods:
He brings the aromatic plant,
And clouds of incense feast the Gods!
Now fair Euphrosyne descends,
And Mirth and Glee their charms resume,
To reinspire us jovial friends,
Whilst Chorus rocks the lofty dome!
Chorus repeated.


By us the streams of life are quaff'd;
Our mirth, our songs, proclaim our joys:
The toast renew'd, renew'd the draught,
And Comus cries, Encore! my boys!


While thus by Jove's high favours crown'd,
Our spirits rise, unreach'd by care,
We'll swell the heart-felt chorus round,
And be as blest as mortals dare.


Still undisturb'd fair Friendship reigns,
What breast but owns her sacred power?
While sings the muse in vocal strains,
To celebrate the social hour.