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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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To J. G.

Tell me you Hate; and Flatter me no more:
By Heaven I do not wish you shou'd adore;
With humbler Blessings, I content can be,
I only beg, that you would pity me;
In as much Silence as I first design'd,
To bear the Raging Torture of my Mind;
For when your Eyes first made my Heart your Slave,
I thought t'have hid my Fetters in my Grave:
Heaven witness for me, that I strove to hide
My violent Love, and my fond Eyes did chide
For glancing at thee; and my Blushes hid,
With as much care as ever Virgin did.
And though I languish'd in the greatest pain
That e're despairing Lover did sustain;
I ne're in publick did let fall a Tear,
Nor breath'd a Sigh i'th' reach of any Ear:


Yet I in private, drew no Breath but Sighs,
And Show'rs of Tears fell from my wretched Eyes:
The Lillies left my Front, the Rose my Cheeks,
My Nights were spent in Sobs and suddain Shreeks,
I felt my strength Insensibly decay'd,
And Death aproach; but ah! then you convey'd
Soft Am'rous tales into my listning Ears,
And gentle Vows, and well becoming Tears,
Then deeper Oaths, nor e're your Seige remov'd
'Till I confest my Flame, and own'd I lov'd:
Your kinder Smiles had rais'd my Flames so high,
That all at Distance might the Fire Discry,
I took no care my Passion to suppress,
Nor hide the Love I thought I did possess:
But ah! too late I find, your Love was such
As Gallants pay in course, or scarce so much:
You Shun my sight, you feed me with delays,
You slight, affront, a Thousand several ways
You doe Torment with Study'd Cruelty,
And yet alternately you Flatter me.


Oh! if you Love not, plainly say you hate,
And give my Miseries a shorter date,
'Tis kinder than to Linger out my Fate;
And yet I cou'd with less regret have Dy'd,
A Victime to your Coldness, than your Pride.