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Basia Joannis Secundi Nicolai Hagensis

or The Kisses of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius of the Hague. In Latin and English Verse. With the Life of Secundus, and a Critic upon his Basia. Adorn'd with a Cut of the Author, and another of his Mistress Julia, engrav'd by the famous Bernard Picart the Roman [by George Ogle]

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The Hour is come, with Pleasure crown'd;
Borne in Eternal Order round.
Hour! of indearing Looks and Smiles!
Hour! of voluptuous Sports and Wiles!
Hour! fraught with fondly-murm'ring Sighs!
Hour! blest with softly-dying Eyes!
Hour! with com-mingling Kisses sweet!
Hour! of transporting Bliss, re-plete!
Hour! worthy ev'n of Gods above!
Hour! worthy all-commanding Jove!
For not a fairer-omen'd Hour,
Cou'd promise the kind Gnidian Pow'r!
Not tender Cupid cou'd bestow!
The Boy with Silver-splendid Bow,
And Golden wing; delicious Boy!
That Sorrow still allays with Joy.
Nor, wont at Nuptials to preside,
She, that of Jove is Sister-Bride!


Nor He, on tunefull Summit born,
The God, whom flow'ry Wreaths adorn!
Who, blooming Beauty tears away!
Bears off by Force the charming Prey!
From the reluctant Mother tears!
To the rapacious Lover bears!
Hour! long-desir'd! Hour! long-delay'd!
Thrice-happy Youth! Thrice-happy Maid!
Thrice-happy Youth! Supremely blest!
Of ev'ry Wish in One possest!
To Thee, the Maid of Form Divine,
Comes, seeming-loath, but inly Thine.
Such Form! as Juno's self might chuse;
Nor yet the Martial Maid refuse;
(Tho' That th' Ætherial Scepter sways!
And This the shining Shield displays!)
Nor yet the Cyprian Queen disdain;
Bent, to re-seek the Phrygian Swain,
And Cause of Beauty re-decide;
In shady Vale of flow'ring Ide.
How sure to gain the Golden Prize,
(Tho' judg'd by less-discerning Eyes)
She, in that matchless Form arraid?
Thrice-happy Youth! Thrice-happy Maid!
Thrice-happy Maid! Supremely blest!
Of ev'ry Wish in One possest!
To Thee, on Wings of Love and Truth,
Comes all-devote, the raptur'd Youth.


Thy bending Neck with eager Hold,
Thy Waiste, impatient to in-fold.
While, for that Hair of easy Flow!
While, for that Breast of Virgin Snow!
While, for that Lip of rosy Die!
While, for that sweetly-speaking Eye!
With silent Passion he expires;
And burns with still-consuming Fires.
Now Phæbus, slow to quit the Skies!
Now loit'ring Phæbe, slow to rise!
Persists, alternate, to upbraid.
Thrice-happy Youth! Thrice-happy Maid.
Spare, Youth, your Vows, vain Off'rings, spare!
Forbear, your need-less Sighs, forbear!
Lo! Time, in ever-varying Race,
Brings on at last the wish'd-for Space.
Mild Venus with propitious Ears,
The Sorrows of her Vot'ries hears.
While, Cynthius, down the Western Steeps,
Low-plunges in Iberian Deeps;
And quits, the ample Fields of Air,
To his Night-wand'ring Sister's Care.
Than Whom, no Light more gratefull shines,
To Souls which Mutual-love conjoins.
Not He that leads the Stars along;
Brightest of all the glitt'ring Throng;
Hesper! with Golden Torch displaid!
Thrice-happy Youth! Thrice-happy Maid.
See! where the Maid, all-panting, lies;
(Ah! never more a Maid to rise!)


And longs, yet trembles at thy Tread;
Her Cheeks perfus'd with decent Red:
Expressing-half her inward Flame!
Half-springing from ingenuous Shame!
Tears from her Eyes, perhaps, may steal;
Her Joys the better to conceal;
Then, Sighs, with Grief un-real fraught,
Then, follow, Plaints of Wrongs un-thought.
But cease not Thou with idle Fears;
For all her Plaints, or Sighs, or Tears.
Kiss'd be the Tears from off her Eyes!
With tender Murmurs stop'd, her Sighs!
With Soothings soft her Plaints allay'd!
Thrice-happy Youth! Thrice-happy Maid
The Maid, in decent Order plac'd;
With ev'ry Bridal Honor grac'd;
Thro' all her Limbs, begin to spread
The Glowings of the Genial Bed;
And languid Sleep dispose to take!
Did not the Youth, more watchfull, wake;
And, the mild Queen of fierce Desire,
With Warmth not disproportion'd, fire:
Taught hence, nor purpled Kings to prize,
Nor scepter'd Jove, that rules the Skies.
Soon for soft Combats He prepares,
And gentle Toils of am'rous Wars.
Declar'd, but with no loud Alarms!
Begun, but with no dreaded Arms!
Kisses! which, wanton as he strays,
He darts a thousand wanton Ways;


At Mouth or Neck, at Eyes or Cheeks.
Him humbly She full-oft be-speaks.
Intreats, “An help-less Maid to spare!”
And begs, with trembling Voice, “Forbear!”
Full-oft his Rudeness loudly blames,
His bound-less Insolence proclaims.
His Lips, with Lips averse, withstands,
With Hands, restrains his roving Hands.
Resistance sweet! Delicious Fight!
O! Night! O! doubly-happy Night!
Contention obstinate succeeds.
The tender Loves Contention feeds!
By That re-doubled Ardor burns!
By That re-doubled Strength re-turns.
Now ore her Neck take nimble Flight.
Her Breast as spotless Iv'ry white!
Her Waiste of gradual-rising Charms!
Soft-molded Legs! smooth-polish'd Arms!
Search all the Tracts, in curious Sport,
Conductive to the Cyprian-court.
Thro' all the dark Recesses go,
And all the Shady Coverts know.
To this, un-number'd Kisses join,
Un-number'd as the Stars that shine,
Com-mingling Rays of blended Light.
O! Night! O! doubly-happy Night!
Then spare no Blandishments of Love.
Sounds, that with soft'ning Flatt'ry move!
Sighs, that with soothing Murmur please!
The Injur'd Virgin to appease.


Such! as when Zephyr fans the Grove,
Or coo's, the am'rous-billing Dove.
Or sings the Swan with tune-full Breath;
Conscious of near-approaching Death!
Till pierc'd by Cupid's pow'rfull Dart,
As by-degrees re-lents her Heart,
The Virgin, less and less severe,
Quits, by-degrees her stubborn Fear.
Now on your Arms her Neck re-clines;
Now with her Arms your Neck in-twines;
As Love's re-sistless Flames in-cite.
O! Night! O! doubly-happy Night!
Sweet Kisses shall reward your Pains.
Kisses! which no rude Rapine stains!
From Lips on swelling Lips that swell!
From Lips on dwelling Lips that dwell!
That Play return with equal Play!
That Bliss with equal Bliss repay!
That vital Stores, from either Heart,
Imbibing, Soul for Soul impart.
'Till now the Maid, advent'rous grown,
Attempts new Frolics of her own.
Now, suffers, Strangers to the Way,
Her far more-daring Hands to stray.
Now Sports far more-salacious seeks,
Now Words far more licentious speaks.
Words! that past Suff'rings well-requite.
O! Night! O! doubly-happy Night!
To Arms! To Arms! now Cupid sounds.
Now is the Time for gratefull Wounds.


Here Venus waves the nimble Spear.—
Venus is warlike Goddess here.
Here not thy Sister, Mars, presides.
Thy Mistress in these Conflicts prides.
While close-ingage the strug'ling Foes,
And, rest-less, Breast to Breast oppose.
While, eager, This disputes the Field;
And That alike disdains to yield.
'Till lo! in breath-less Transports tost,
'Till in resistless Raptures lost,
Their Limbs with liquid Dews distill;
Their Hearts with pleasing Horrors thrill;
And faint away in wild Delight.
O! Night! O! doubly-happy Night!
O! may You oft these Sports re-new,
And thro' long Days and Nights pursue!
With many an early Moon begun!
Prolong'd to many a setting Sun!
May a fair Off-spring crown your Joys,
Of pratling Girls, and smiling Boys!
And yet another Off-spring rise!
Sweet Objects to Parental Eyes!
The Cares, assiduous to asswage,
That still solicite querulous Age.
Carefull, your trembling Limbs to stay,
That fail with un-perceiv'd Decay.
Pious, when summon'd hence you go,
The last kind Office to bestow.
Office! with un-feign'd Sorrow paid!
Thrice-happy Youth! Thrice-aappy Maid!



