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On NOVEMBER the 4th 1712.
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On NOVEMBER the 4th 1712.

The Anniversary of the Birth of His Late Majesty King WILLIAM the Third.

As with Cherubic Hosts and Choirs Divine,
In Songs of Joy, thou dost exulting join,
Cast not a Look, Illustrious Mind, below,
Nor wish thy Britain's present State to know;
Lest the dire Scene arising to the View,
The sad Idea in thy Soul renew,
Of our Unthankfulness in former Years,
Of Service ill-receiv'd, and unrewarded Cares;
When for Religion, Liberties and Laws,
Snatch'd, and asserted from th'Invader's Jaws,
And all the Benefits of Safety giv'n,
At once we murmur'd against Thee and Heav'n.
The same wild Phrenzy seizes us again,
Tasteless of Freedom, we invite the Chain,
Forget th'Oppressions we so lately bore,
And seek that Ægypt which we fled before.
The Joshua who supply'd the Leader's Place,
When thou, our Moses, left'st this moody Race,
Who, form'd by thy Example, crown'd our Isle
With annual Trophies of Triumphant Spoil,
So far have wicked Wiles destroy'd our Mind,
So far can Lies a Nation's Judgment blind)


Has found the same bad Recompence with Thee,
Slurr'd with feign'd Crimes, and Vulgar Calumny.
One was the Course of thy important Life,
For common Good one brave incessant Strife;
From the first Moment of thy vital Breath,
To the last Hour of thy lamented Death.
Ev'n in thy Bloom, when scarce thy Cheeks began
To shew the shaded Down, and mark the Man,
From proud rapacious Hands, thy early Toil
Wrested the Prey, and freed thy Native Soil.
And when these sighing Nations hung the Head,
And with repeated Vows implor'd thy Aid,
Thou gav'st thy Aid, and from impending Fate
Did'st nobly save Britannia's falling State.
Nor cou'dst thou close contentedly thy Eyes,
But still delay'dst thy Passage to the Skies,
'Till thou hadst finish'd thy August Design,
To fix the Crown upon the Brunswick Line.
For this shall Tongues unborn, in future Days,
Break forth with Transport, and Applauses raise;
While all the sour Maligners of thy Reign,
Behold our Happiness, and rage in vain:
Tho' now too far their foul fallacious Arts
Pervert the People, and corrupt their Hearts,
Defame thy Conduct, endless Slanders spread,
And sacrilegiously asperse the Dead,
Yet shortly shall the Fascination break,
And Britons from their heavy Trance awake,


Exert themselves, and recognize thy Name,
With Honours due, and renovated Fame;
Thy Memory Immortal shall revere,
With copious Praise and Gratitude sincere,
And hold this Day of their Deliverer dear.

The Duke of Marlborough.